เชิงอรรถ ของ ไทรทัน (เทพปกรณัม)

คอมมอนส์ มีภาพและสื่อเกี่ยวกับ:
  1. Hyginus, Poet. astronom. ii. 23
  2. Apollonius Rhodius iv. 1552
  3. Apollodorus: Bibliotheca, 3.12.3
  4. Propertius, Elegy 2,32, translation by Goold.
  5. ต้นฉบับว่า "The sound of water which splashes all round the basin, when the Triton suddenly pours forth a fountain from his lips."
  6. Pausanius' Description of Greece 9.21.2
  7. "The Tritons have the following appearance. On their heads they grow hair like that of marsh frogs not only in color, but also in the impossibility of separating one hair from another. The rest of their body is rough with fine scales just as is the shark. Under their ears they have gills and a man's nose; but the mouth is broader and the teeth are those of a beast. Their eyes seem to me blue, and they have hands, fingers, and nails like the shells of the murex. Under the breast and belly is a tail like a dolphin's instead of feet."
  8. กลอนต้นฉบับว่า "glimpses that would make me less forlorn; Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea; Or hear old Triton blow his wreathèd horn." ในที่นี้เป็นการแปลอย่างไม่เป็นทางการ.
  9. Charonia tritonis Linne`(อังกฤษ)